Auxiliaries / Ministries
Ministerial Board
The Ministerial board is comprised of those who are in ministry at FPOM. Those who are on the board must meet specific requirements to hold an office. Those who are on the board must be filled with the Holy Spirit and live a Godly lifestyle. The board is chosen by the Pastor and the current board members.
Men's Department
President- Eric Kelly
The Men's department is comprised of any man age 18 yrs old and up. The ministry meets every Monday at 6pm. The purpose of the men's meeting is for brothers in Christ to come together and encourage each other. The men's group have open discussions that allows men to feel free to discuss any concerns that they may have personally and spiritually. Currently the men are sharing in a men's Bible study from the book "Dominion," Author David Bernard. This ministry promotes living a Godly lifestyle by applying biblical principles to daily situations.
Women's Department
President- Jeanette Bell
The Women's department provides spiritual guidance to women. The ministry inspires women to be Godly mothers, wives and role models to other women. The purpose is to bring women together as sisters and uplift one another. The women's department encourages women to strive to be the best that God has called them to be. We model the Proverbs 31 woman.
Youth Department
President- Latoria Peeples
The Youth department is dedicated to challenging youth to explore their God given talents and gifts. We believe in being proactive and not reactive. The youth department provides support and motivation to young people who are motivated, and those who need support in their daily lives and spiritual lives. We believe that the youth are our future and they must learn how to conduct themselves as Christians according to Godly leadership applying biblical principles.
Usher's Department
President- Margie Smith
The usher department is comprised of Junior and senior ushers. FPOM usher board serves as a beacon of light and a ray of sunshine welcoming all who enters through our church doors. This defines who we are and whom we represent, Jesus Christ. Our mission is to unite, develop, educate, and strengthen the skills of those that have accepted the challenge of the help(s) ministry within the church. The purpose of Junior ushers is to promote young people interested in working in the church, to train and prepare them for ushering as an adult. Ushering is open for both males and females starting at age 8yrs old.
Hospitality Department
President- Veronica Dunn
The hospitality committee is closely connected to the help(s) ministry. We work closely with the usher department. The hospitality committee is dedicated in helping those who are sick and or shut in. The hospitality committee is comprised of those who like to work in the background to accomplish needs of the church and its members. We provide cards and phone calls to our visitors and member alike. Annually the committee host a Ladies Tea brunch. The proceeds benefit those who are in need, sick, hospitalized and death in the family. This committee believes that everyone desires to be loved and we do so by providing Godly support.
Pastor's Aide
President- LaTanya Carson
The Pastor's aide committee is comprised of those who want to assist the Pastor. This committee works closely with the pastor and provides assistance for the Pastor's needs which are not limited to financial assistance. The Pastor's aide provides support to the pastor by encouraging the members of the church to respect reverence and honor the Pastor. The pastor's aide is gifted in recognizing the Pastor's needs and fulfilling it with the church help. We believe in giving honor where honor is due and not merely lip service.
Sunday School Department
The Sunday school department is developed to educate youth and adults alike about biblical principles and teachings. Sunday school is vital to Christian education and is needed to stir up the gifts within. Sunday school is the building block for Bible knowledge and understanding. Classes are taught by eligible teachers and are facilitated by open discussions. Sunday school is where you can ask your questions and get feedback from class participants. Sunday school meets Sunday Mornings at 9AM. Won't you join us today?
Couples Ministry
President- Elder Alan & Veronica Dunn
The couple ministry goal is that every married couple regardless of race, age, religion and or ethnic background becomes one with their spouse, and defeat the challenges of marriage. Through fellowship, and sharing testimonies with one another, couples will strengthen their marriages. Couples will become one and develop a Godly marriage through the love of Jesus Christ , as exampled by biblical principles and other couples. FPOM couples meet once a month. Please pray that married couples demonstrate the fruit of the spirit in their marriages and that each spouse will honor and respect one another. Remember, marriage is ministry!
Outreach/Missions Department
The outreach department is dedicated to soul winning. The goal is to witness to the lost, encourage the saved, and to build the body of Christ. The outreach ministry provides help to the community where there is a need. The outreach ministry have provided hot meals, groceries, clothes and toys to the community. The Missions department has helped families locally and abroad (Haiti, Jamaica, Russia, China and India) to name a few. We endeavor to work in unity to help those in need, while reaching the lost for Christ cost. We ask for a special seed every 2nd and 4th Sunday to help us with the department needs for the community.